Friday, January 31

Its been a really long time... :/

And I don't really wanna write about everything... (I am so lazy, I know :P)

So I'm not...

And I'm just gonna jump in to where my life is now and you might get a glimpse of whats happened in the past year :)

But for now, SNOW.

And this is O'Grady. Hazel had a litter of kittens! He's the oldest of 6 and the only boy.

It started snowing on Tuesday (today is friday) and we only got about a half inch, but it shut Georgia down for a few day! People ended up spending the night in their cars on the highways in Atlanta!


Kirsten and I

Lauren and I
Last weekend my sweet friends came over to hangout, go out for coffee and spend the night! We had a good time and I can't wait to do it again! 

So there's you just a little glimpse of whats been going on lately, along with babysitting, a full head of dreads (which I took out because it was so itchy!), guitar playing, movie making, store opening, GAPS diet, and having guests for 3 months! Christmas, New Year and all that good stuff too. And MUCH MUCH more!! My GOD IS SO GOOD! Much love to all of my followers! You guys are great :) Until next time~
