Monday, January 7

Oh So Busy!

They're back!! :)

Oh! Be still, my heart! *melting* LOVE THIS GIRL!

What would I do without these wonderful, inspiring, silly, amazing people that I love so much that bless me when I need it?! (Edible Arrangments... :/)

Eating chocolate alllllll week long, working at Edible Arrangements!! :P

Callie Compton and I... We sang in their church's choir's Christmas musical.

So there has been a lot going on... 


  1. Hello there,
    I was so blown away by your comment on my blog,another me? What,lets see her name is Blythe,she is my age and yikes, she even a burnette,and if you want it to be even more hilarious our dads have the same name. =)

    I'm so glad you took the time to comment on my blog,hey if you want to keep in touch via email I'ld love it,just comment on my blog with your email (I won't publish it) and I'll shoot you an email.

    blessings back,
    Blythe :)

    p.s. your hair (and you) are ridiculously (hmmm,are you bad at spelling too.) awesome!

  2. I still have not had Edible Arrangements.... and it's right. down. the. road!! I miss talking to you. I hope you and your family are doing well! FYI your bangs are super cute :)
