During my language lesson this morning, I was doing dictation on a passage called, The Winsome Girl. It reminded me so much of a girl that I know. Erin Carter, this is for you!!
The Winsome Girl:
"The winsome girl has a warm, loving heart. She feels "Smiley" inside, and the smiles just shine out. She does not think about herself. She does not stand about moping, waiting to be coaxed into a game. She does not take offense when none was intended. She does not imagine that other girls are slighting her. She does not always want to be first.
The winsome girl does not hang her head and refuse to reply when strangers or older people speak to her, but answers as sweetly and politely as possible. She may be bashful, and her heart may go thumpety-thump in the presence of strangers, but she is never rude or surly on that account. She is brave enough to do hard things; and talking to strangers is a very hard thing for a naturally bashful girl.
The winsome girl never sulks. She is not the sort that never has opinions, but she does not become angry with those who differ from her. If she can not agree with her companions, she does not try to compel them to agree with her.
The winsome girl is, just winsome, that is all. Keep your eyes open, and you will find her sometime. Keep sweet, and other folks may find her when they look at you! And that would be best of all."
(From Moral Lessons of Yesteryear, Published by Mantle Ministries)
Winsome - adj. pleasant, joy, pleasure. Engaging, attractive, sweet and charming: a winsome maiden, smile, face; winsome manners.
(Complete and Unabridged Little & Ives Webster Dictionary & Home Reference Library)
Keep it up, girl :)
I think more girls/women should strive to be like this!