Monday, February 6

The giants won! :D

Anyway, yesterday was a good day. Church, first Sunday get-together, and then super bowl party with Hope Church. Let me just make a little note to Joshua, since he's reading my blog now, HEY! :)

Now for the pictures =)

     Me and Baby. He's my cousin's little bantam rooster.

Slippers I made. Of course Ava is the model, since they fit her better. :D

The little knitted dress/shirt I made my 21 month old cousin! 

Fingerless gloves. Crochet with size 1 (sock) yarn and a tiny needle.

Baby booties and a hat. I made these with the same size yarn/needle as above.

And you already saw my hat (first post). 

Well, thats about all I have to say right now. Might be playing the Djembe on Sunday night with another band. Of course I'm playing Sunday morning too, but it's different when there is more people, don't you think? I'm not too crazy about large crowds, but I really do enjoy playing for Hope Church.

I'll post something else later if anything exciting happens.

Don't forget to,